Dear Featherstone Homeowners

It was brought to our attention that an error occurred during our automated invoicing process for 2025.

The dues for 2025 are $259.00 NOT $259.20

We apologize for this inconvenience. If a check has already been issued or an online payment made, then the 20 cents will be credited to your account.

Cathy Wootten
C Solutions HOA Manager

Lydia, Account Payable/Receivable Manager

Angela Garcia
Director of Operations

HOA Dues

If you are needing to pay your HOA dues and would like to pay online please click the financial tab and pay dues. You will need to set up an account and have your account number with you. Your account number will be located on your statement. If you do not have your statement, please contact the HOA at 405-421-5983 and the HOA will provide you with an account number.

If paying by check or money order, please send it to:

Featherstone HOA
4260 28th Avenue NW Suite 110
Norman, OK 73069

Payments can also be taken over the phone by contacting the HOA : 405-421-5983You may access your Year-to-Date financials by clicking HERE